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The Best In Me
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.
- A Lot of Good in There
- Enormously Inconvenient
- Happy for Myself
- Things Kids Figure Out
- It’s Good to Love Somebody
- Person of Character
- I’ll Be Me
- Lemonade Stand
- Place of Character
- What You Do
- High Achiever
- Give Us a Chance
- Greater Than Our Fears
- It Could’ve Been Me
- Everywhere All the Time
- I Don’t Want an Easy Life
- My Dog Brings Out the Best in Me
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.

Teaspoon at a Time
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.

Getting Bigger
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.

Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.
- Who’s Good?
- Aw, Yuckers!
- Coochie and Doc Rock
- Babies and Bunnies
- Shake!
- Fun-A-Rooey ????????
- Cricket Song
- Bluesy
- I’m Just a Little Bitty Baby
- Gorilla Feet

The Earth’s Birthday
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.

Dunce Cap Kelly
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.

Daring Dewey
Click a Song Title to Listen and See the Lyrics.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/A-Lot-Of-Good-In-There.mp3″]
A Lot of Good In There
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)verse one:
Don’t mean to stare at her,
But her fine character
Is a curiosity.
Her smile is so spectacular,
I give it back to her.
Now she is hangin’ out with me.
She makes things better all over the world.
When we’re together, I learn a lot from this girl
‘Cause she’s…
Trustworthy, responsible, generous, and fair.
A lot of good in there.
Respectful, so kind—a citizen extraordinaire.
A lot of good in there.
A lot of good in there.
verse two:
Breaks down a wall of lies.
His courage qualifies
For a medal and a band.
His heart is so incredible,
His busy head is full
Of plans to lend the world a hand.
His crazy rhythm makes everything fun.
When I work with him, we always get the job done
‘Cause he’s…
(repeat chorus)
All the day through they do their best.
They pack accurate action—
They’re on the road to satisfaction.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Enormously-Inconvenient.mp3″]
Enormously Inconvenient
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2013 With Any Luck Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
She’s too tall. He’s too white.
She speaks a language we’ve never spoken.
His beliefs just aren’t right.
Can’t play with her ’cause her body’s broken.
Funny how our minds get filled,
Building all the walls we build.
They are…
Enormously inconvenient.
It takes a lot of work to do wrong.
Enormously inconvenient.
We could give it up and get along.
verse two:
He’s too rich. She’s too old.
He can’t be trusted ’cause he’s not from here.
He’s too shy. She’s too bold.
So keep him out. Never let her come here.
We know the walls don’t have to grow,
But we keep building, even though
They are…
(repeat chorus)
If a simple smile can wear a wall down,
Maybe one of these days we’ll tear them all down.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Happy-For-Myself.mp3″]
Happy for Myself
words and music by David Morgan and Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Honiest Pie Music (ASCAP) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I found a twenty dollar bill
On the sidewalk by my favorite store.
I put it in my pocket,
Made my way right through the door
To the inside of the windows
I’d gazed through many times,
Where I’d never had the dollars,
Only had the dimes.
Thought about the old days
I’d wandered in this place.
This time it was different:
A smile was on my face.
I was…
Happy for myself. Oh, lucky me.
Happy for myself that I should be
The one to have this opportunity.
I thought, “Why me,
Not somebody else?”
Happy for myself.
verse two:
I traveled down the many aisles
And saw the most amazing things,
And it was kinda like a dream
To hold what twenty dollars brings.
So many things I’d never seen
Or ever had the chance to do.
Now suddenly I had the means
To make my fantasies come true.
I thought about the money
I was holding in my hand,
How it opened up the doorway
To a magic land.
And I was…
(repeat chorus)
Out the window I could see
A kid who looked a lot like me.
verse three:
He had the saddest face of all.
I said, “Hey, man, what’s goin’ on?”
He said he’d lost his twenty bucks.
Just turned around, and it was gone.
He’d been savin’ up all year
To buy a present for his dad,
And that today there was a sale.
He’d lost every cent he had.
I thought of my good fortune
And everything I’d planned.
I took his twenty dollars,
Put it in his hand.
And I was…
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 file url=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Things-Kids-Figure-Out.mp3″]
Things Kids Figure Out
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2013 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
It’s a tricky world, this world I find.
It hurts my heart, but I don’t mind.
I’ll get ahead or fall behind.
It’s up to me to grow my wings.
I believe if I stay strong,
Even when the road gets hard and long,
The world will hear the happy song
A winner sings.
It’s one of those…
Things kids figure out—
A thought or feeling
In a whisper or shout.
Aha, so that’s what it’s all about!
One of those things kids figure out.
verse two:
Every breath I take is filled with hope.
I hold on to the thinnest rope.
Sometimes I have to scratch and grope
To touch the light tomorrow brings.
I have seen a flower peek
Through the rocky walls above the creek.
I search for what those petals seek:
Life’s offerings.
It’s one of those…
(repeat chorus)
Out in the wilderness
My parents say I’ll face one day,
They’re gonna see a kid like me
Can make a dream reality.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/It’s-Good-To-Love-Somebody.mp3″]
It’s Good to Love Somebody
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2013 With Any Luck Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
There you stand all by yourself.
You’re gonna be walkin’ any day.
Oh, the dreams that will awaken
When that little step is taken.
I can almost hear your daddy say…
It’s good to love somebody.
This old world is better when you do.
It’s good to love somebody.
Oh, my, my, my somebody is you.
verse two:
Daddy stands on foreign soil.
He holds a big gun in his hand.
Leavin’ you’s not an easy thing.
He fights to help our freedom ring.
He truly hopes someday you’ll understand…
(repeat chorus)
A soldier finally falls asleep,
Filled with promises to keep,
Missing home and family so much,
So much.
verse three:
Here we stand on a grassy hill.
We hear that lonesome bugle play.
Daddy can’t be here now,
But he wrote a few lines down,
We are proud to sing ’em out today.
He said…
(repeat chorus)
Oh, my, my, my somebody is you.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Person-Of-Character.mp3″]
Person of Character
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
You’ve seen her with her big flashlight,
Helpin’ you find your dog
In the middle of the night.
You’ve seen him—that friend who stays
And helps you with your homework When it’s one of those days.
Oh, when the chips are down,
Oh, who rolls into town?
A person of character.
I know you’ve seen him.
I know you’ve seen her.
They make things better
Than the way they were.
A person, person of character.
verse two:
You know him—he will always see
The very best in you—
What you’re aiming to be.
You know her—she will always choose
To tell the whole truth
When there’s so much to lose.
Oh, no matter what life deals,
Oh, each action reveals…
chorus two:
A person of character.
I know you’ve seen him.
I know you’ve seen her.
They make things better
Than the way they were.
When nobody’s lookin’,
They’re at their best:
A good attitude and a noble quest.
When pushed to the limit,
They ace the test.
verse three:
Someone so brave and true
Is there in the mirror
Lookin’ back at you.
For always and evermore,
Livin’ an honest life
Is what your heart beats for.
Oh, stand up tall and proud.
Oh, sing it out loud:
(repeat chorus)
third chorus:
A person of character.
I know you’ve been him.
I know you’ve been her.
They make things better
Than the way they were.
A person—I want to be…
last chorus:
A person of character.
I know you’ve seen him.
I know you’ve seen her.
They make things better
Than the way they were.
A person, a person of character.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Ill-Be-Me.mp3″]
I’ll Be Me
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2013 With Any Luck Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I sat on Grandma’s lap
Like I would always do
When somethin’ new was bothering me.
I told her someone laughed at me
‘Cause my beliefs will never be
The ones they hold.
Her sweet eyes rolled.
verse two:
She said when she was young,
She had a grandma, too.
“I was just like you,” she said with a wink.
“We never did quite figure out
What this old world was all about,
But there’s one thing we used to sing.”
I’ll be me ’cause that’s who I wanna be,
No matter what some others might wanna see.
I smile and think,”No thanks, I’ll be me.”
verse three:
My grandma’s eyes got sad.
She said, “I’m sorry, dear,
No answers here,
But this I will say:
I think you’ll learn to get along
If you can trust this little song
And let it start to fill your heart.”
(repeat chorus)
The years flew by in a finger snap.
My grandchild looks up from my lap.
verse four:
So now the time has come to let my wisdom flow.
I hardly know just what I might add.
So, I’ll do as my grandma did
And teach this wide-eyed little kid
What helped me grow
So long ago.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Lemonade-Stand.mp3″]
Lemonade Stand
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
It is easy: Take some lemons,
Slice ’em and squeeze out a cup of juice,
Add a cup of sugar and five cups of water,
Add ice, stir it up.
verse two:
Not so easy: Take some bad stuff—
Something I don’t like that makes me sad—
Add a friend who listens and says they’re sorry.
Add hugs to soothe the ache.
Pretty soon, it’s time to take…
My lemonade stand: I’ll sweeten the sour.
My lemonade stand: In this uncertain hour,
I won’t give up. I’ll let hope take my hand,
As I take my lemonade stand.
verse three:
Dad’s not workin’. He’s been lookin’
For a new job that I hope he gets.
Goes out every mornin’ and greets the sunrise.
He’s strong, very brave.
verse four:
I have lemons. I have sugar.
Plenty of water and paper cups.
Made a quirky sign: QUICK QUENCH FOR A QUARTER.
I smile at passersby, whistle a tune. It’s worth a try.
(repeat chorus)
Dad comes home, and he has some leads.
Goes to the kitchen, sees those lemon seeds,
And he hugs me, and I hug him.
last chorus:
Our lemonade stand: We’ll sweeten the sour.
Our lemonade stand: In this uncertain hour,
We won’t give up. We’ll let hope take our hand,
As we take our lemonade stand.
Our lemonade stand.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Place-Of-Character.mp3″]
Place of Character
words and music by Oliver Kinnoin and Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Oliver Kinnoin Music (ASCAP) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Here I am at Mt. Rushmore—four presidents
Carved in stone, always there when we need ’em.
Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln—
What were they thinkin’? We sure love freedom!
Place of character—
Somewhere to go to feel the spirit.
Place of character—
My heart will know when I am near it.
verse two:
Here I am at Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge.
Hear the birds singin’ sweetly together.
Marshes, estuaries, unspoiled beauty.
It’s our duty to protect them forever.
(repeat chorus)
Anywhere can be a spot like this.
I know it’s up to me to be the change I want to see.
verse three:
Here I am at my school sports field—Sylvia and Tony,
Hans and Chris—playin’ fair, faces grinnin’.
Dao-ming, Shinya, Lea, Peyton—
Cooperatin’—everybody’s winnin’.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/What-You-Do.mp3″]
What You Do
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2013 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Could’ve been the first A in the family.
Red-circled 88 could’ve been a B.
With extra credit, it was an A because
You get to add two points, but the trouble was…
verse two:
Teacher scored the test wrong. It was an 83.
Even those extra points couldn’t raise that B.
A head is hangin’; the truth is clear.
There’s a hungry heart at a crossroads here.
What you do,
What you do when nobody’s lookin’
Says a lot about you.
Tell me who,
Who still believes you gotta be true?
What you do when nobody’s lookin’
Says a lot about you.
verse three:
Kind of cool to realize, couple hours from now,
Dad could yell, “Way to go!” Mom could whisper, “Wow!”
When you’re a winner on a lucky break,
It can feel so good, you ignore the ache.
verse four:
Oh, you studied so hard, really did your best.
Now everyone’s linin’ up ’cause you gotta sign your test.
A hand is shakin’. It’s time to choose
What you’re gonna gain, what you’re willin’ to lose.
(repeat chorus)
You never really know for sure
How much your honor can endure
Until you find the strength you lack
And swear that there’s no turning back.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/High-Achiever.mp3″]
High Achiever
words and music by Christian Hoff and Dave Kinnoin
©2013 Logos Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Someone wants to fight her
‘Cause her lie came back to bite her
And it’s kinda late to make amends.
Yeah, she knows she did it. Aw, but how can she admit it
Right there in front of all her friends?
She stands up in the spotlight to face those angry eyes.
She takes a breath. She’s scared to death.
She says, “I apologize.”
She’s a…
High achiever bustin’ through doors that once were shut.
Big believer in doin’ what’s right no matter what.
It’s a beautiful sound
When a heartbeat turns this world around.
High achiever ’cause she never gives up.
verse two:
Someone’s in the water,
Someone’s precious little daughter,
And a wave is risin’ over her head.
That is when our hero, whose aquatic skills are zero,
Is frozen in a moment of dread.
There’s no one else to save her;
He knows it must be him.
He throws her a float. She rides it like a boat.
He scoops her up as she comes crashin’ in.
He’s a…
(repeat chorus—’Cause he at end)
Sometimes I think, sometimes I think, about who I really am.
What am I made of? What am I afraid of?
Will I give it my best when I’m put to the test?
(repeat chorus—’Cause I at end)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Give-Us-A-Chance.mp3″]
Give Us a Chance
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2013 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
We’ve all come back
To meet you face to face.
What we did here last week
Was truly a disgrace.
We brought our plans and tools
And some supplies
To show you how sincerely
We apologize.
verse one:
Here is a wall we can paint.
Here is a bike we can fix.
We can be a lot of help,
And we’re not up to our old tricks.
We messed up. We did wrong.
We might be standin’
Where we don’t belong.
Yeah, we’re busted ,
Hard to be trusted,
But, hey, listen to our song.
Give us a chance to do some good.
Earn our way back
To your neighborhood.
We’ll make it right again
And leave you smilin’ when
You give us a chance.
verse two:
Here is a wound we can heal.
Here is a choice we can make:
We can rise above the past
If you can see beyond our mistake.
We went wild, you got burned.
We’ll understand it
If your backs stay turned.
What we’re hopin’
Is you will be open
To our proving to you
What we’ve learned.
(repeat chorus)
It’s important today
To do more
Than just say we’re sorry.
For us to feel okay,
There’s a debt we must pay.
(repeat chorus)
outro chorus:
Give us a chance to do some good.
Earn our way back
To your neighborhood.
We’ll make it right again.
(We’re hopin’ you will
Open up your hearts.)
We’ll make it right.
Just give us a chance.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Greater-Than-Our-Fears.mp3″]
Greater Than Our Fears
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2013 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I used to be afraid to meet
Someone who looks like you.
I was surprised to hear your song—
I started singing, too.
We were both a bit amazed
Our voices fit so well.
Halfway through the second verse,
The walls of worry fell.
We’re greater than our fears,
Stronger than our doubt,
Braver than we think
When our hearts reach out.
Happy people shout
As we dry our tears,
“We’re stronger than our doubt,
Greater than our fears.”
verse two:
I read our story to my class.
I wish you could have come.
I know that was not possible,
Given where you’re from.
What I get from school sometimes
Is difficult to tell.
I want you to know for sure
I learned your lesson well.
(repeat chorus)
Sometimes we have to stretch
One more inch or two
To see what’s most beautiful.verse three:
I’m gonna learn the song you wrote
And sang that day to me.
I’m gonna sing it for my town
And the world community.
I really hope we all will hear
The power we possess
To build the bridges that will lead
To a place of peacefulness.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/It-Could-Have-Been-Me.mp3″]
It Could’ve Been Me
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I read about a girl who helped a homeless man.
At first she was afraid, but then she made a plan.
Her mom and dad and her brother helped her out.
They said that’s what a family is all about.
They got the job done.
The world is better than it would’ve been.
It got me thinkin’…
It could’ve been me. It could’ve been me.
It could’ve been me who needed help that day,
Or me whose kind heart led the way.
It could’ve been me. It could’ve been me.
verse two:
I saw a powerful documentary
About a lonely boy who struggled endlessly,
Until a teacher discovered what was wrong,
And they worked and they worked, and before too long,
They got the job done.
The world is better than it would’ve been.
It got me thinkin’…
(repeat chorus)
Every day could go either way:
Will I need or lend a hand?
I’ll embrace every loving opportunity.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
chorus three:
It could’ve been me.
It could’ve been me.
It could’ve been me who needed help that day,
Or me whose kind heart led the way.
chorus four:
It could’ve been me. It could’ve been me.
I’ll always be ready to receive or give
The help that we all need to live.
It could’ve been me. It could’ve been me.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/Everywhere-All-The-Time.mp3″]
Everywhere All the Time
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2013 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
Everywhere all the time,
My honor will always be mine.
Just watch me walk that line.
We’ll see what I can be
Everywhere all the time.
verse one:
Wherever I go, whatever I do,
I have a song that always rings true.
Whatever life may bring,
I live the words I sing.
No excuses, no exceptions,
Just my best in everything.
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
On top of the world or down in the pits,
I have a song that just never quits.
The road gets steep and long.
My will is fierce and strong.
No excuses, no exceptions,
Just a louder, clearer song.
(repeat chorus)
Easy to talk,
Hard to walk that way.
It’s just fine to think and hope and feel and believe,
But it’s what I do that will say who I am.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/I-Dont-Want-An-Easy-Life.mp3″]
I Don’t Want an Easy Life
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2012 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
I don’t want an easy life.
I’m proud to be a person of action.
I give it all I’ve got so I have my shot
At sweet satisfaction.
When everything seems hopeless,
And I feel strangled by the strife,
I push harder still with an iron will
‘Cause I don’t want an easy life.
verse one:
Give me a problem to solve.
Give me a mountain to climb.
Give me another heart that needs me,
And I make the time.
When I fall down hard and have to limp,
I stay the course ’cause I’m no wimp.
I find a way to reach the finish line.
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
Give me a deadline to meet.
Give me a song I must write.
Give me a hammock full of hardship—
I stay up all night.
There’s no bumpy road I won’t embrace,
No chilling challenge I won’t face.
I take a breath and smile and hold on tight.
Sometimes I kick back, go slack, rejuvenate.
I’ve always had a knack to attack,
Just in case something can’t wait.
(repeat chorus twice)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Best-In-Me/My-Dog-Brings-Out-The-Best-In-Me.mp3″]
My Dog Brings Out the Best in Me
wwords and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2011 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I lose patience, act the fool.
Someone’s sweet nose keeps its cool.
I take a new look, and I see
My dog brings out the best in me.
verse two:
When I’m tempted to do wrong,
Someone’s big eyes keep me strong.
We must be proud of what I’ll be.
My dog brings out the best in me.
There are roads that could be taken,
But I’m feelin’ beat.
Four paws mark the trail.
One wag of that tail,
And I’m back on my feet.
verse three:
We get achy in the joints,
And this old life disappoints.
We keep on hangin’ happily.
My dog brings out the best in me.
(repeat bridge)
verse four:
When we’re nappin’ side by side,
And we’re driftin’ deep and wide,
We’re goin’ somewhere wild and free.
From now till we’re a memory,
My dog brings out the best in me.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Character-Counts.mp3″]
words and music by Jimmy Hammer and Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Sync Track (ASCAP) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
CHARACTER COUNTS! It counts a lot for me.
Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility.
Fairness, caring, citizenship —
This all amounts to
verse one:
What I do when nobody’s looking
Is a chance for me to see
Just what kind of person
I choose to be.
I hold on to my honor.
I take each bump in stride.
It’s a noble quest,
And I do my best
To live each day with pride.
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
I can hear a thousand voices
Telling me what’s true.
Some say I am foolish
To live the way I do.
If I don’t keep my virtue,
Then what good is my gain?
When something’s right,
I give it all my might.
When it’s not right,
I refrain.
(repeat chorus)
I make mistakes.
I disappoint my friends,
And when I do,
I try to make amends.
I always know
That true success depends
On moral courage.
(repeat chorus twice)
All the time!

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Trustworthiness.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one: (honesty)
I tell the truth — every word and deed.
I don’t cheat or steal.
I don’t deceive, don’t use trickery
‘Cause I’ve got to keep it real.
I profess nothin’ less than
verse two: (integrity)
I hold on tight to my principles.
Haven’t lost them yet.
I never will.
They are not for sale.
What you see is what you get.
(repeat chorus)
It feels so good to know
Others believe in me.
Each day is a chance to grow.
I can’t wait to see
What I’m able to be.
verse three: (promise-keeping)
I take great care with my promises
So there is no doubt.
I’m crystal clear in what I say I’ll do.
I don’t try to wiggle out.
(repeat chorus)
verse four: (loyalty)
I’m well aware in some relationships,
I am duty-bound
To work as one, serve the common good,
And to keep us safe and sound.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Maybe-I-Will-Maybe-I-Wont.mp3″]
Maybe I Will, Maybe I Won’t.
words and music by Stuart Stotts and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Cerisacal Music (BMI)
and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Grandmother’s callin’ on the telephone.
Mama says, “Tell her I’m not home.”
Joe pushes Julie off the jungle gym.
I wonder if I oughta go tell on him?
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
verse two:
Daddy’s on the freeway goin’ eighty-five.
I can’t wait till I learn to drive!
A lady drops her wallet in the restaurant.
I could spend that money
On some stuff I want.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I Will, maybe I won’t.
Tug of war in my head.
What was that my conscience said?
verse three:
Nobody’s lookin’ at the mall today.
I could grab a shirt and just walk away.
Debbie got a copy of the test last night.
I could take a peek and get the answers right.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
(repeat bridge)
verse four:
The big boss says I’ve gotta use good sense:
Shut my mouth and shred the evidence.
I’m lookin’ back on my history,
Tryin’ to figure out how this all happened to me.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I….won’t.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/A-Little-Respect.mp3″]
A Little Respect
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’d like a little respect if you don’t mind.
I’m not the grooviest person you’ll ever find,
But I’m here on Earth With you and the others,
And we all have worth. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
You look like you might resist,
But I’m gonna insist on…
A little respect.
Just treat me like you wanna be treated.
I don’t want this thing to get over-heated.
I really hope you won’t object
To giving me
A little respect.
verse two:
I’d like a little respect if that’s okay.
You’re not my favorite person,
But I’m here to say
I have regard for you,
Not huge amounts, given what you do,
But some, yeah some.
You look like your head’s on fire,
But I’m gonna require…
(repeat chorus)
chorus tag:
A little respect
Am I asking too much?
I’m not suggesting we shake hands,
But the insults have to cease.
It’s okay to be angry,
But may we please increase
Our chance for peace?
(repeat chorus)
verse three:
I’d like a little respect and nothin’ more.
We’re not lookin’ for friendship,
But don’t slam the door
‘Cause ya never know,
We could take a break, let a cool wind blow.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
I feel better already.
Now hold it steady with…
(repeat chorus twice)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/I’m-Just-A-Kid-Like-You.mp3″]
I’m Just A Kid Like You
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
The other kids said they didn’t like me.
Called me a creep
And threatened to strike me.
They pointed fingers.
They laughed and jeered.
Claimed I was ugly and terminally weird.
I said…
Hey, hey, you-hoo,
I’m just a kid —
I’m just a kid like you.
Hey, hey, you-hoo,
Why do you say what you say,
Do what you do?
Why can’t you see
I’m just a kid like you?
verse two:
I stood my ground
And stated quite clearly,
“I’m no outsider —
No, not even nearly.
I am your neighbor on the family tree.
Look in the mirror —
You’re just a kid like me!”
(repeat chorus)
Why don’t you tap on your head
And wake ’em up
Just in case your brains are playin’ dead?
verse three:
They said, “If you’re so smart,
Why you shakin’?”
I said, “Because I’m a man in the makin’,
And I get scared sometimes in a jam,
But I remember to stick with what I am!”
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Responsibility.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I am not a puppet, no!
I’m in charge of me, and so
I take the credit and the blame.
I treat them both the same.
I withstand the wind.
I am self-disciplined.
When adverse forces grow,
I swear I won’t let go of my…
I do what I’m supposed to do.
I don’t quit,
I push on through.
I’m the best I can be —
That’s my responsibility.
verse two:
Deeds have consequences.Â
Fact! So I think before I act,
Yet I’m not afraid to decide.
I’ll bravely take the ride.
Push can come to pull.
I am accountable.
You will depend on me
‘Cause every day you’ll see my…
(repeat chorus)
Where there is darkness, I’ll bring light.
I have the strength to do what’s right.
I’ll walk the road that’s rough
Because I’m tough enough.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Where-Did-My-Money-Go.mp3″]
Where Did My Money Go
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I had a bundle of money:
A couple of fives and a one,
Seventeen nickels, a dime, and five pennies —
A pretty good sum for some fun.
I can remember the movie.
There was some food and a drink.
I must’ve spent more, maybe at the toy store.
I’m scratchin’ my head as I think.
Where did my money go?
Where did my money go?
My pockets are empty, and I wanna know,
Where did my money go?
verse two:
Let’s see, the movie was four bucks.
Three dollars more for the snacks.
The toy store was havin’ a special on posters:
Two for four-fifty, plus tax.
I bought a couple of gumballs —
That brought me down to one dime.
That seemed so small,
I bought another gumball.
It seemed pretty smart at the time.
(repeat chorus)
I have learned a lesson,
Now that my stack is thin.
I need to take care. I better beware:
Those gumballs can do you in.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Fairness-Awareness.mp3″]
Fairness Awareness
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I am giving two to you,
I am giving three to me.
Whatcha frownin’ for?
Okay, here’s one more.
We will live in harmony.
verse two:
I prepare a scrumptious meal.
Near the end I see you smirk.
You eat all the pie,
Causing me to cry.
Wow, your manners need some work!
Fairness awareness —
Equity for you and me.
Put your prejudice aside.
Let your mind be open wide.
Fairness awareness —
Do what’s right for all to see.
Let the winds of truth prevail,
The ships of justice sail
To Fairness Awareness Land.
Wouldn’t that be grand?
verse three:
When I listen carefully,
I see other points of view.
I take turns and play
By the rules each day.
I don’t take advantage of you.
verse four:
I correct mistakes I make.
You deserve an even shake.
I do not defend
Wrongness by a friend.
Yet, sometimes we all need a break!
(repeat chorus)
Some wonder whom to blame
For this outrageous game.
I know that some say
It’s kind of a dumb day
When time signatures can’t stay the same.
To this I will reply,
I need not justify
Changes quite charming,
If somewhat disarming,
That help us tell boredom good-bye.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/No-Matter-How-Small.mp3″]
No Matter How Small
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 With Any Luck Music (BMI)
and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Tiny starfish wash ashore.
Every new wave brings some more.
A little girl tries so hard to save them all,
No matter how small.
verse two:
Little cowboy dreams again
Of bustin’ broncos ’cause now and then
All of us need to feel we’re ten feet tall,
No matter how small.
All grown up or still a child,
A lesson to the wise:
It’s about what’s in the heart,
And not about the size.
verse three:
Draw the covers.
Lights go out,
And the last thing we think about
Will probably be some kindness we recall
That meant most of all,
No matter how small.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Caring-Avenue.mp3″]
Caring Avenue
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
When I see a friend who’s lookin’ lonely
Right there in my busy day,
I can feel a tug that causes me
To send a little smile her way.
And if I sense that’s not enough,
I turn to her and say,
“Why don’t we stop what we’re doin’
And go outside and play?”
Living on Caring Avenue.
Our hearts know exactly what to do.
You give to me, I give to you.
We’re living on Caring Avenue.
verse two:
When I have a problem, and I’m thinkin’
“Maybe this time hope is gone,”
Suddenly I hear a voice beside me
Sayin’, “Hey, what’s goin’ on?”
And then I know I’m not alone.
I’ll make it through somehow.
That’s when I stop goin’ crazy
‘Cause someone’s with me now.
(repeat chorus)
It’s never wrong to sing a song
On this two-way street,
With its ups and downs,
Its sour and sweet,
Its mysteries and imperfections.
We all arrive without directions.
It’s kinda neat
To find our beat.
verse three:
When I read about a total stranger
Living in a far-off land
Who’s swallowed up by fear and anger,
It is hard for me to understand.
I lie awake and think out loud,
“Hey, wouldn’t it be good
If we could stop and talk it over
In a loving neighborhood?”
And sing…
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Any-Other-Kid.mp3″]
Any Other Kid
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 With Any Luck Music (BMI)
and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I was at my worst, makin’ no sense at all,
Rollin’ up everything I’d ever done right,
Smashin’ it against the wall,
Out of control, way too loud,
And downright rude —
A walking definition of a really bad attitude.
verse two:
Full of myself — everything was all about me.
Thinkin’ that I was doin’ anything wrong
Was not a possibility.
It must’ve been hard
Puttin’ up with me back then.
No one else saw any future
In bein’ my best friend.
Any other kid
Woulda cut out on the double,
Said I wasn’t worth the trouble,
And left me there.
But that’s not what you did —
You stayed and talked me through it.
You cared enough to do it.
You’re not just any other kid.
verse three:
When the dust all cleared,
You and me, eye to eye.
Maybe I didn’t have a single excuse,
But I had a lotta reasons why.
The minute you stayed
And let me pour them out,
I got a whole new understanding
Of what all this might be about.
(repeat chorus)
If you should ever need someone
The way I needed you,
I hope that I turn out to be
As good a friend as you were to me.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/Citizenship.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2010 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
We noticed that the local park
Was not lookin’ pretty.
We scratched our heads and promptly formed
An ad hoc committee.
We devised a plan and divvied up
We all got to it. Before we knew it,
We started planting trees!
Working together is quite a trip.
It’s lots of fun and meaningful and totally hip.
verse two:
Our soccer team was feelin’ low
‘Cause our sponsor stated
Our monetary fun was somewhat
“Computer Fix-It Day” was hatched —
People came in swarms.
We scrolled and pointed and soon anointed
Our brand-new uniforms!
(repeat chorus)
You meet the nicest people!
You do exciting things!
The part that’s most appealing
Is the warm, inviting feeling it brings!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Character-Counts/How-Do-You-Say-Butterfly.mp3″]
How Do You Say “Butterfly”?
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
How do you say “butterfly” in Spanish?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “mariposa,”
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “mariposa” flying in the sky,
You will know that “mariposa”
Is Spanish for “butterfly.”
verse two:
How do you say “butterfly” in French?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “papillon,”
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “papillon” flying in the sky,
You will know that “papillon”
Is French for “butterfly.”
It’s a game — let’s play it.
What language shall we try?
No matter how we say it,
It’s still a butterfly.
verse three:
How do you say “butterfly” in German?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “schmetterling,”
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “schmetterling” flying in the sky,
You will know that “schmetterling”
Is German for “butterfly.”
verse four:
How do you say “butterfly” in Japanese?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “chocho,”
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “chocho” flying in the sky,
You will know that “chocho”
Is Japanese for “butterfly.”
It’s fun to say “butterfly.”
How do you say “butterfly”?

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Teaspoon-At-A-Time.mp3″]
words and music by Paul Goldowitz and Dave Kinnoin
2009 Goldomusick (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
It’s too hard—too tough for me.
There ain’t no way—no possibility.
It’s no use ’cause I can’t win.
I don’t even know where to begin.
Just one chance to make it through
If my heart gives my head a little talkin’ to.
One, two, three, and countin’…
A teaspoon at a time, we’re gonna move that mountain.
A teaspoon at at time.
verse two:
What is this? Let me see…
What did I do—little ol’ me?
I could swear somethin’ moved.
My situation has just improved.
Tried it once; I’ll try it twice—
My head must’ve listened to my heart’s advice.
(repeat chorus)
Suddenly my path is clear,
And I sure like the view from here.
All at once it all adds up—
The mountain, me, and what can be…
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Cool-Thing.mp3″]
Cool Thing
words and music by Michael Angel Alvarado, Christian Hoff, and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Michaelangel Music (ASCAP), Logos Music (BMI), and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I was thinking just the other day
About a cool thing.
I think I’ll do it,
Think I’ll find a way to have my cool thing.
I’ll pull a book down off the shelf.
I can take care of the rest myself.
I’m gonna pour that story all over me.
I’ve got a cool thing!
verse two:
I’ll be going somewhere today
I’ve never been before.
As I turn each page,
I’ll be opening another door.
I’m gonna sit here under the sun.
Before I’m done, I’m gonna have some fun!
(repeat chorus twice)
Don’t bother me, I’m busy.
I’m almost through this chapter.
I’m really getting into it now.
I’m racing to the finish.
I have to know what happens.
I really, really love my cool thing.
And how!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Any-Other-Kid.mp3″]
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 With Any Luck Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I was at my worst, makin’ no sense at all.
Rollin’ up everything I’d ever done right,
Smashin’ it against the wall.
Out of control, way too loud,
And downright rude—
A walking definition of a really bad attitude.
verse two:
Full of myself—everything was all about me.
Thinkin’ that I was doin’ anything wrong
Was not a possibility.
It must’ve been hard
Puttin’ up with me back then.
No one else saw any future
In bein’ my best friend.
Any other kid
Woulda cut out on the double,
Said I wasn’t worth the trouble,
And left me there.
But that’s not what you did—
You stayed and talked me through it.
You cared enough to do it.
You’re not just any other kid.
verse three:
When the dust all cleared,
You and me, eye to eye.
Maybe I didn’t have a single excuse,
But I had a lotta reasons why.
The minute you stayed
And let me pour them out,
I got a whole new understanding
Of what all this might be about.
(repeat chorus)
If you should ever need someone
The way I needed you,
I hope that I turn out to be
As good a friend as you were to me.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Maybe-I-Will.mp3″]
words and music by Stuart Stotts and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Cerisacal Music(BMI) and Song Wizard Music(ASCAP)
verse one:
Grandmother’s callin’ on the telephone.
Mama says, “Tell her I’m not home.”
Joe pushes Julie off the jungle gym.
I wonder if I oughta go tell on him?
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
verse two:
Daddy’s on the freeway goin’ eighty-five.
I can’t wait till I learn to drive!
A lady drops her wallet in the restaurant.
I could spend that money on some stuff I want.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Tug of war in my head.
What was that my conscience said?
verse three:
Nobody’s lookin’ at the mall today.
I could grab a shirt and just walk away.
Debbie got a copy of the test last night.
I could take a peek and get the answers right.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
(repeat bridge)
verse four:
The big boss says I’ve gotta use good sense:
Shut my mouth and shred the evidence.
I’m lookin’ back on my history,
Tryin’ to figure out how this all happened to me.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.
Maybe I will, maybe I…..

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/My-Song.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’ve been lookin’ everywhere.
Somethin’s missin’—it’s just not there.
I’ve been high and low.
Where did it go?
If I find it, will I even know it’s
My song, mine and mine alone.
I keep it in my heart
And claim it for my own.
I sing it, sing it loud and clear.
The world will hear my song.
verse two:
What’s that knockin’ on my door?
Sounds familiar, like once before.
Oh, now, let me see,
What could it be?
Tender words and a sweet melody, like
(repeat chorus)
Now I know. Yes, I know
I have rhythm, I have rhyme.
Even though I’ve had it for a while,
It feels like the very first time…It’s
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/You-Do-My-Heart-Good.mp3″]
words and music by David Morgan, Terri Becherer, Jimmy Hammer, and Dave Kinnoin
© 2009 Honiest Pie Music (ASCAP), Beausamaya Music (BMI), Sync Track (ASCAP),
and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Kinda like a kid on a swing,
Livin’ with the world on a string,
Smilin’ with the sun on his face.
Little like the smell of new hay
In the middle of a sweet summer day.
Kinda like a moment of grace.
It’s a feel thing, what-a-deal thing—
It’s the real thing now.
You do my heart good.
Stronger with every beat, gets me up on my feet.
Who knew you could do my heart good?
You brought my rhythm back.
Everything’s right on track.
Out of the blue, as if on cue,
I love how you do my heart good.
verse two:
I never really liked to get beat.
There were even times I would cheat.
Now I wanna play fair and square.
Suddenly I’m changin’ my style.
Gonna stick around for a while.
I finally have a reason to care.
It’s a new thing, see-it-through thing,
Dream-come-true thing…Wow!
(repeat chorus)
I wanna write it across the sky
So the whole world can see
What you’re doin’ for me.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Lonely-Me.mp3″]
words & music by Alan O’Day and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 City Man Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Lonely me, I sit all by myself
And think how fun life used to be
Before my best friend moved away.
Right next door, I had a second family
That’s not there anymore.
When I walk by, I wanna cry.
It hurts to be lonely me.
The world goes ’round so quietly. I know they’re gone—the blinds are drawn.
Reflected in the window, all I see
Is lonely me.
I told my mom and dad I’m really, really sad.
They held me close and said, “We’re sorry…”
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
In the car, my folks give me a snack
Because the ride is kinda far.
“Where are we goin’?” They won’t say.
Suddenly, we’re turning down a street,
And I hear someone calling me.
Around the bend, comes my best friend!
chorus three:
Happy me, now I see
My friend will still be there for me.
Good-bye and then, hello again.
Now I don’t have to be, no, I don’t have to be
Lonely me.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Nuthins-2-Tuff.mp3″]
words and music by Kenneth J. Mason, Kenneth W. Mason, and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Masong Music (ASCAP) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’m headin’ to the store now,
Ten blocks or maybe more now.
I’m tearin’ up the sidewalk
‘Cause I’ve got to keep keepin’ on.
I’m clearin’ out the dead zones,
Just jammin’ with my headphones.
The rhythm of the moment
Let’s you see me now, then I’m gone.
Nuthin’s 2 tuff when I stand up tall.
Nuthin’s 2 tuff —I refuse to fall.
Nuthin’s 2 tuff, and my smile is all you see.
Nuthin’s 2 tuff for a kid like me.
verse two:
I’m workin’ for my mother.
Check out my baby brother.
He’s getting’ kinda cranky,
So I lay him down for a nap.
I gently rub his back now.
It’s time to hit the sack now.
He’s driftin’ off to dreamland
Where his little hands go clap, clap, clap.
(repeat chorus)
I can do a lotta things,
But when I’m not enough,
I have family and friends to help me with stuff.
Teachers and doctors and people like that
Really come in handy, and I tip my hat.
Sometimes I get tired, so I take a breather.
Doesn’t mean I’m loser, or a quitter, either.
I know who I am, and I just grow finer
‘Cause I’ve learned to buckle down
And never be a whiner.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/It’s-Not-OK.mp3″]
words and music by Michael Monagan and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Sossity Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I saved a little money.
I kept it in a secret drawer.
You saw where I hid it.
My money isn’t there anymore.
So, I asked you where my money all went.
You said you took it and it’s already spent.
You said you “needed something—
What’s the big deal?”
It really hurts me when you steal.
It’s not okay—I don’t like it.
It’s not okay—not a single bit.
It’s not okay—I’m not kiddin’.
Ya gotta quit when I say “It’s not okay!”
verse two:
You knew I was winning.
You had an angry look on your face.
You said I was cheating.
We both knew that was just not the case.
You stopped playin’,
And you messed up the game.
You started usin’ every kind of bad name.
I realized you weren’t just foolin’ around.
That’s when you pushed me to the ground.
(repeat chorus)
I don’t mean to cause trouble.
Hey, I’m cool ‘most the time.
But when somethin’ just ain’t right,
I gotta draw the line.
verse three:
I have some good ideas.
I have a lotta feelings, too.
I need you to listen
So I can get my message to you.
You start talkin’ every time I begin.
I just can’t seem to get a single word in.
It’s getting clear that you don’t care what I say.
We can’t communicate this way.
(repeat chorus)
Can you hear me now?
Hey, can you hear me now?
No, it’s not okay!

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Its-You.mp3″]
words and music by Jimmy Hammer and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Sync Track (ASCAP) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Early every morning, I feel my day begin.
You’re lying there with snores to spare,
So softly on my skin.
Soon, we’re nose to nose.
The sun begins to rise,
And everything this world can bring
Is shining in your eyes.
It’s you, my ever-faithful friend.
It’s you. Oh, what a playful day
We’re gonna spend!
We both belong in a happy song.
I’ll stick with you—we can’t go wrong.
I know who sees me through.
Oh, Maddie, it’s you.
verse two:
First one out the back door!
Oh, yeah, the race is on!
Then I must go away.
You know I miss you when I’m gone.
I return at last and hold you oh so tight.
It’s funny how your licks allow
My world to feel so right.
(repeat chorus)
And when we both are dreaming
Of some wild and wondrous place,
It’s your voice I hear. I kiss your smiling face.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/In-America.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 2009 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
In America, a kid can dream
And make that dream come true.
With a lot of work and a little luck,
You just might see it through.
You can make some friends
And start some trends
And catch a shooting star.
You can make mistakes and hit the brakes
And find out who you are
In America, in America,
Freedom fills the air. Hope is everywhere.
See you there in America!
verse two:
In America, true liberty is not enjoyed by all.
That’s when heroes rise and give a voice
To those too weak to call.
You can have a cause and change the laws
And fight to right a wrong.
You can bravely steer through pain and fear
And find where you belong
(repeat chorus)
Gather all your wits about you.
Take your shot—all you’ve got!
Maybe you can have some fun
And share your gifts, one by one.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Thirteen.mp3″]
words and music by John Hoke and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Sox On A Rooster Music (ASCAP) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Go ahead, walk under a ladder.
It won’t make you sadder,
It won’t mess you up at all.
Sidewalk crack— step on it proudly.
Land both feet loudly.
Smile and stand up tall.
Good time to feel no fear.
Lucky thing common sense is here.
Thirteen—it’s just a number.
No magic power, no secret clue.
Don’t let your logic slumber.
Don’t let thirteen do a number on you.
verse two:
Kitty cat black, black as a raven,
Won’t cause misbehavin’,
Won’t bring you any pain.
Mirror breaks—don’t go to pieces.
Your worry ceases
When you use your brain.
I have a good idea:
Let’s all tell superstition “See ya…”
(repeat chorus)
When somethin’ seems kinda nutty,
Scratch your head once or twice.
You might not have to knock on wood
To have things turn out the way they should.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/Where-Did-My-Money-Go.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©2009 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I had a bundle of money:
A couple of fives and a one,
Seventeen nickels, a dime, and five pennies—
A pretty good sum for some fun.
I can remember the movie.
There was some food and a drink.
I must’ve spent more, maybe at the toy store.
I’m scratchin’ my head as I think.
Where did my money go?
Where did my money go?
My pockets are empty, and I wanna know,
Where did my money go?
verse two:
Let’s see, the movie was four bucks.
Three dollars more for the snacks.
The toy store was havin’ a special on posters:
Two for four-fifty, plus tax.
I bought a couple of gumballs—
That brought me down to one dime.
That seemed so small,
I bought another gumball.
It seemed pretty smart at the time.
(repeat chorus)
I have learned a lesson,
Now that my stack is thin.
I need to take care—I better beware:
Those gumballs can do you in.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Teaspoon-At-A-Time/No-Matter-How-Small.mp3″]
words and music by Randy Sharp and Dave Kinnoin
©2009 With Any Luck Music (BMI) and Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Tiny starfish wash ashore.
Every new wave brings some more.
A little girl tries so hard to save them all,
No matter how small.
verse two:
Little cowboy dreams again
Of bustin’ broncos ’cause now and then
All of us need to feel we’re ten feet tall,
No matter how small.
All grown up or still a child,
A lesson to the wise:
It’s about what’s in the heart,
And not about the size.
verse three:
Draw the covers. Lights go out,
And the last thing we think about
Will probably be some kindness we recall
That meant most of all,
No matter how small.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Wish-Me-A-Lot-Of-Muck.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’m a frog, and I’m glad—I leap from log to lily pad.
I love my life in the bog. I’m a happy frog.
verse two:
It’s such bliss in the ooze—I’m glad that this is the life I choose.
It feels so right, I could croak. Hey, it’s not a joke.
chorus one:
Let me tell ya, buddy,
I like bein’ muddy
And wet all the time.
I like skinny-dippin’,
Jumpin’ high and slippin’
Away through the slime.
Kiss me and don’t say “yuck!” (Yuck!)
And wish me a lot of muck.
verse three:
I’m a frog through and through—I’m not a dog or a kangaroo.
It’s much too dry where they romp. Me, I’ll take the swamp.
chorus two:
I like bein’ soggy;
That’s why I’m a froggy
And not somethin’ else.
I sing, “Ya-ha-hooey!”
When I’m good and gooey
And pleased with myself.
Kiss me and don’t say “yuck!” (Yuck!)
And wish me a lot of muck.
I can’t tell you how many times
Others ask me
“How can you live like that?”
I pause a bit as I chew a fly,
And then they split—
Hmm, I wonder why?
chorus three:
When my ma and pa see
I’m a little mossy,
They don’t have a cow.
Don’t get stuck in slo-mo.
Jump into the photo
They’re takin’ right now.
Kiss me and don’t say “yuck!” (Yuck!)
And wish me a lot of muck.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Hey-Mo.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
This fisherman is sorry, but there’s been a slight delay.
Your frisky calamary took a dive into the bay.
That’s what it did, and now that squid has swum quite far away.
I’ll get you another if my brother says okay.
Hey, Mo, may I please have another squid for my cat?
His dinner just went subsea; that’s why he rubs me leg like that.
He likes ’em big and juicy, so if you see one that’s fat,
Hey, Mo, may I please have another squid for my cat?
verse two:
Now, don’t you fret, Goliath—I’m on real good terms with Mo.
You truly must relieth on the goodness of my bro.
He’s very fair, with heart to spare—he understands our woe.
Don’t you cry, my sweet one—soon you’ll eat one up, I know.
(repeat chorus)
He’s done quite well this trip.
Thirteen rats abandoned ship.
He guarded every fish we decked.
How ’bout a little respect?
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Nonsense-For-Breakfast.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I had some nonsense for breakfast.
It tasted good, I must say.
I sniffed it a swift bit and licked it a little,
Grabbed it and stabbed it and soaked it with spittle.
I like it that way.
I had some nonsense for breakfast,
And I’ve been (burp!) burpin’ it up all day.
verse two:
I had some silly juice at snack time.
It was a cool, bubbly rinse.
I tipped it and sipped it and gargled it loudly.
I jumped up and pumped up a stream that flew proudly.
I made my mama wince.
I had some silly juice at snack time,
And I’ve been (burp!) burpin’ it up ever since.
Some folks are quick to tell us
To burp is not polite.
It could be they’re just jealous
‘Cause they’re burps don’t come out right.
I do know this: Their attitude
Forever will confuse me.
I never thought myself so rude
As to (burp!) Oh, excuse me!
verse three:
I had some nonsense for breakfast.
It cracked some jokes right there on my tray.
I chuckled and suckled its sweetness with vigor.
I dished more and wished for a stomach much bigger.
Aw, but that’s okay. (I got enough.)
(You got too much!) (That’s my mama.)
I had some nonsense for breakfast,
And I’ve been (burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp, burp!)
Burpin’ it up all day.
(Burp!) (Excuse me.)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Offer-Of-Love.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
There are strings on this old guitar,
And your kite only goes so far,
But I swear on the stars above,
There are no strings on my offer of love.
verse two:
There are holes in these old blue jeans,
And I just lost your jellybeans.
There’s a whole lot I’ve been dreamin’ of,
But there are no holes in my offer of love.
Precious angel, you have shown me
All you need to show.
Just one look in your eyes
Tells me all I need to know.
verse three:
There are doubts in the price of tea.
We may not live in luxury,
But I’m sure I don’t need a shove
‘Cause there are no doubts in my offer of love.
No strings, no holes, no doubts
In my offer of love.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Goodnight-Little-Max.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Goodnight, little Max—it’s the end of your day.
Slumber deep under sleepy skies.
Sweet dreams, little Max—let me send them your way.
It’s time to close your eyes.
Rock to the rhythm of my guitar.
Ride on a moonbeam to yonder star.
Always remember how precious you are to me.
verse two:
Goodnight, little Max—here’s a magical tune
From the land where the sandman sings.
He calls, “Little Max…” You will follow him soon.
You need the world be brings.
Don’t try to fight it, for Heaven’s sake.
One dreamland ticket is yours to take.
Go where you want to, as long as you wake to me.
Whirling and swirling around,
Wrapped in the arms of a dream you have found.
You are the wonder,
You are the light,
In my morning sun.
My dear little one,

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/With-A-Porcupine.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’m not the softest touch, as you can see.
I have a lot of real sharp quills on me.
Under the surface, I am just like you.
I want to make new friends as others do.
With a porcupine, you must be
Very, very careful—trust me.
We can have a good time, just we two.
Let the most important rule be:
“Don’t get too close,” and you’ll be fine
With a porcupine.
verse two:
I like to goof around like other folks,
Do lots of crazy things and crack some jokes,
Run through the forest, laughin’ all the way,
As long as you don’t bump me as we play!
(repeat chorus)
It would be charmin’
To go hand-in-hand down the boulevard,
But then, quite alarmin’
If you hurt yourself—you might take it hard.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Dunce-Cap-Kelly.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Kids are full of mischief, and our teacher, Mr. Stubbble
Says he simply cannot tolerate the children causin’ trouble.
He made a special hat out of a silly pointed cup,
And he gets it from his desk each time some bozo messes up.
verse two:
Kelly Jo McWilder has a knack for misbehavin’
In the ways that keep her wearin’ that old hat that Stub’s been savin’.
This mornin’ during recess, she developed quite a cough—
She had puffed on Stubble’s pipe, and boy, that really set him off!
Dunce Cap Kelly is sittin’ in the corner.
She messed up, even though we tried to warn ‘er.
Now there’s one big tear fallin’ on the ground.
Now there’s one sad face that can’t turn around.
Dunce Cap Kelly, Dunce Cap Kelly.
While the rest of the class is playin’ Hi Dee Ho,
Dunce Cap Kelly has fifteen minutes more to go.
(Before she can take the hat off!)
verse three:
Kelly Jo McWilder is a whiz at mathematics.
She excels at foreign languages and mental acrobatics.
But she can’t seem to get it through her noggin, poor, sweet dear
That the penalty for breakin’ rules is swift and quite severe.
verse four:
All of us remember one such incident last Tuesday.
It was Show-And-Tell, and for our Kel, a rather big bad news day.
It came her turn, and she proceeded to produce a pair
Of exotic, multi-colored, perfumed ladies’ underwear!
(repeat chorus—new last line: It’s humiliating!)
Kelly’s only problem is, her brain does not compute
The same way Mr. Stubble’s does.
I think she got that because…
She’s a kid!
verse five:
All the class is concentratin’ on the new assignment.
It’s an essay on the majesty of etiquette refinement.
Now Kelly Jo is smilin’ like a spider with a fly,
And her pencil’s gettin’ hotter that a weenie on the fry.
verse six:
Pretty soon it’s Kelly’s turn to read hers to the others.
She begins, “It’s good to be nice to your sisters and your brothers…”
The class starts goin’ crazy like hyenas on the prowl,
As the look on Stubble’s face goes from a big grin to a scowl.
verse seven:
What he cannot see is that which Kelly is concealing
On the backside of her paper that the class finds so appealing.
It’s basically a big pipe in a face that’s cherry red.
It’s a picture of old Stubble with a dunce cap on his head!
chorus three:
Dunce Cap Kelly is sittin’ in the corner.
She messed up, and we’re all supposed to scorn ‘er.
Now there’s one big smile, juicy like a grape.
Now there’s one big laugh dyin’ to escape.
Dunce Cap Kelly, Dunce Cap Kelly.
While the rest of the class sits like a gift wrap bow,
Dunce Cap Kelly has fifteen minutes more to go.
(Maybe twenty!)
Dunce Cap Kelly. (Her behavior is outrageous!)
Dunce Cap Kelly. (I believe it is contagious!)
Keep your chuckles in your belly—you could be next, you know.
Dunce Cap Kelly has fifteen minutes more to go.
(It was worth it!)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Thanks-A-Lot.mp3″]
Thanks A Lot
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
My super sports-cart was well in the lead.
I rode it proudly at maximum speed.
My sister’s kite string got caught in the wheels.
I went flyin’ head-over-heels.
(And I said to my sister…)
Thanks a lot—I needed that
To round out a perfect day.
Thanks a lot—you succeeded at
Makin’ life so light and gay.
If you want to boost my thrill,
Tie my hands and feet and kick me down the hill.
Thanks a lot—you really have a special way.
verse two:
I was so hungry, my chin was all wet.
I couldn’t wait till the table was set.
I sneaked a cookie—my mom heard the crunch.
She said, “No, no, not before lunch!”
(She took the cookie right out of my mouth, and I said to her…)
repeat chorus—new ending:
Hide the cake and ice cream cones.
Put me on a diet till I’m skin and bones.
Thanks a lot—you really have a special way.
Life is a riot—it’s such fun to see
Who the newest angel is going to be.
I can’t imagine who’s waiting out there
To bite me on the nose just when I’m most unaware.
verse three:
I turned the hose on—I felt in control.
I didn’t notice the new gopher hole.
It filled with water as I played with glee.
Gopher popped up screamin’ at me.
(And he shouted as loud as he could…)
repeat chorus—new ending:
Many kids have charmed my heart,
But your divine behavior is a work of art.
Thanks a lot—you really have a special way.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Study-Buddies.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
This world is filled with wonder.
Sometimes I lie down under the stars
And gaze up to see what I can see.
My best friend, Kenny Grover,
Can’t sleep and comes on over to see what’s happenin’.
He looks up with me.
Oh, wow! We just can’t believe our eyes.
Right now, we’re a couple of lucky guys.
We’re study buddies
Learnin’ what it’s all about.
It’s so fascinatin’.
Study buddies.
Maybe we can figure it out.
We’re investigatin’
All the questions under the sun.
We believe that two heads are better than one.
That’s why we’re study buddies,
My buddy and me.
verse two:
Our parents and our teachers
Are quite amazing creatures.
We watch their habits to see what makes ’em go.
I’ve noticed—so has Kenny—
In this world, there aren’t any among us
Who know all there is to know.
We were born to think ideas through.
Yes, sir, we’ll decide what’s really true.
(repeat chorus)
Sometimes the answer seems so crystal clear.
Other times I don’t even know
Who I am
Or why I’m here.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Very-Bear-y-To-Roar.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
When I have eaten all my honey,
And I want a little bit more,
I point to my empty plate.
How long do I have to wait?
What do I do? I roar! (Roar!)
It’s very bear-y to roar. (Roar!)
It’s very bear-y to roar. (Roar!)
It’s a little scary, and it’s fun galore.
And it’s very bear-y to roar. (Roar!)
verse two:
When I go over to my friend’s house,
I knock, knock, knock on the door,
But nobody hears the sound.
They don’t know that I’m around.
What do I do? I roar! (Roar!)
(repeat chorus)
Some never try it in their verbal diet.
They live their lives quietly.
Some may deny it, but I am aware
Each of us is a little bear.
verse three:
Sometimes I get to feelin’ goofy.
I roll all around on the floor.
My sister comes in the den.
I sneak up on her, and then
What do I do? I roar! (Roar!)
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Stretchin-TheTruth.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I was doin’ a little fishin’ at my favorite fishin’ hole.
Just me and the sky and the pond and my eye on my fishin’ pole.
Then, all of a sudden, wham! I felt a tug, and that tug was strong!
The fish I reeled in had to have been… ten feet long!
(Ten feet long? Hmmm…)
Could it be you’re stretchin’ the truth a little bit?
I don’t think I can trust you as far as I can spit.
I do believe you’re havin’ an exaggeration fit.
Could it be you’re stretchin’ the truth a little bit?
verse two:
I was havin’ a little footrace with a very fast friend of mine.
We ran like the wind as both of us grinned at that finish line.
Then, all of a sudden, vroom! I threw my legs into “super power”!
I leaped to the lead and won at a speed of… ninety miles an hour!
(Ninety miles an hour? Hmmm…)
(repeat chorus)
We are not suggesting you’re a liar.
Oh, that would be an awful thing to say.
May we simply advise you it may not be wise to
Get quite so carried away?
(repeat chorus)
spoken interlude:
I myself would never endeavor to cleverly re-write history so as to make my words and deeds more remarkable than they already are. To do so would only diminish my role as a key player in the human drama, someone whose magnificent skills are in such demand, I hardly know which multi-million dollar deal to sign next.
(Multi-million dollar deal? Hmmm…)
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Good-Friends-Like-Mine.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin and Jimmy Hammer
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP) and Sync Track (ASCAP)
verse one:
Dolphins are jumpin’—isn’t that somethin’?
Poppin’ through seaweed rings.
Flippin’ and flashin’ smiles as they’re splashin’.
Oh, how my sea heart sings!
Seagulls are swoopin’, low loop-the-loopin’,
Towin’ a welcoming sign.
Everyone ought to have
Good friends like mine.
Good friends like mine.
Everyone ought to have good friends.
verse two:
Under the surface, brimmin’ with purpose,
Little fish are in school.
Swimmin’ their hearts out, one of ’em darts out.
Stay in line—that’s the rule.
Tiny tails wiggle, bubbly mouths giggle,
Makin’ a trail through the brine.
Everyone ought to have
(repeat chorus)
You would be amazed if you saw my world.
It’s the kind that dreams are made of.
Simply find you very own shade of blue…
verse three:
Deeper it’s dandy, rocky or sandy.
Shellfish are out to play.
Cordial crustaceans extend invitations,
Beckoning us to stay.
There are shiny red starfish—even guitarfish,
Creatures of every design.
Everyone out to have
chorus three:
Good friends like mine.
Good friends like mine.
Everyone ought to have good friends—
Pals in the shallow and deep ends—
Everyone ought to have good friends like mine.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Felly-Smart-And-The-Matters-of-Consequence.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
Smiles that spread like jelly
Follow our friend Felly.
It’s a minor miracle that’s just about to start.
We are his creations,
Merry musical notations.
Very soon he’ll come to claim us.
He’s the famous Felly Smart.
We are Felly Smart and the Matters of Consequence,
Trackin’ down a rousing good time.
(Tee, Toop, and Pinkle.)
It’s an ancient art on a path that makes perfect scents,
Sniffin’ out a reason to rhyme.
When it gets deep, we hold our nose.
Steer through the heap and come out smellin’ like a rose.
We’re Felly Smart and the Matters of Consequence.
What’s important to you?
verse one:
Do you want a fancy life?
Maybe cut a little mustard with a sterling silver knife?
Is it your intention to have a million toys?
(What’s new?) (Countin’ my stuff.)
Will you ever get enough?
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
Do you want to have a heart?
Help another find the pieces when his world has blown apart?
Do you seek the vision to see beyond yourself?
(Hey, kid, who repaired my crutch?)
(I did.) Thank you very much.
(repeat chorus)
An old man once told me
A long stare can reveal a new dimension.
It’s all there, but ya gotta pay attention.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Dunce-Cap-Kelly/Children-Of-The-World.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1993 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Look at all those lonely faces,
Lost without our warm embraces.
How could we forget to see?
verse two:
As we live in finest fashion,
Tears are fallin’ with a passion.
Who will love the children of the world?
bridge one:
Who will dry their tears?
Help them make it through?
Who will hold them close and say,
“I am here—you’re okay”?
verse three:
If the door to dreams can open,
Let the young hearts keep on hopin’
We will love the children of the world.
bridge two:
After all these years,
What are we to do?
That old Golden Rule applies—
See ourselves in their eyes.
verse four:
Then our lives won’t be so tragic.
What we wish will work like magic
When we love the children of the world.
The sky will fill with love.
You and I are children of the world.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Eat-Your-Peas.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
We’re gonna have a celebration
For all our Fun-A-Rooey friends.
Consider this your invitation—
The sort a real good buddy sends.
We’re gonna jump with jubilation,
Laugh the whole day through.
Bells will ring out.
Help us sing out.
We’ve been waiting for you!
Eat your peas.
Cover your mouth when you sneeze.
Don’t put beetles in the onion dip.
Smell a rose.
Dry in between all your toes.
Turn the faucet off—don’t let it drip!
verse two:
We’re gonna meet some fine musicians
Who think tomorrow never comes.
A vast array of bold magicians
Will turn the tables into drums.
We will create our own conditions
For our songs to thrive.
Toot your tootles.
Woot your wootles.
Keep the music alive!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Daring-Dewey.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Daring Dewey is a real brave kid.
He’s not screwy, he’s just flipped his lid.
Rides his skateboard up and down the walls.
Does an ape-thing on a rope swing
And never falls!
(Well, almost never.)
verse two:
Daring Dewey doesn’t fret for long.
He says, “Phooey, what did I do wrong?”
Points his dirt bike down a grassy hill,
Gives a big whoop, hits some dog poop,
And has a thrill.
bridge one:
Daring Dewey gives his sister hugs.
(That’s a happy time.)
Doesn’t deal with thugs.
(Mine’s no life of crime.)
Never uses drugs.
(I’d rather slurp some slime.)
Daring Dewey wants to see what he can do.
bridge two:
Daring Dewey gets his homework done.
(Gonna be a test.)
Then he has his fun.
(That’s what I do best.)
Sees the setting sun.
(Gotta get some rest.)
Daring Dewey wants to see what he can do.
verse three:
Daring Dewey has a science kit.
His friend Louie helps him play with it.
Their concoctions give you wobbly legs,
And his dad Mike says it smells like
Rotten eggs.
(P-Uey, Dewey!)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Time-To-Be-A-Friend.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
She’s the one who always has
Time to be a friend.
She says it’s easy,
And there’s no need to pretend.
You can hear us laughing.
Oh, the happy hours we spend!
She’s the one who always has
Time to be a friend.
verse two:
She’s the one who always has
Time to be a friend.
Sure, she gets busy,
But she has a smile to send.
With a touch, she tells me
That my broken heart will mend.
She’s the one who always has
Time to be a friend.
I am blessed to tell you
She’s a miracle to me
For the beauty and the goodness
Her sweet eyes have let me see.
She’s my own special angel.
I will love her to the end.
She’s the one who always has
Time to be a friend.
Even when I’m discouraged,
Hope is just around the bend.
She’s the one who always has
Time to be a friend.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Goin-To-Gramma-And-Grampas-House.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
I woke up this morning,
Rubbed the sleep away.
That’s when I remembered
How good it feels to say,
“Goin’, Goin’, Goin’, Goin’…”
verse one:
Goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today.
Doop-n-doo-wah, doop-n-doo-wah.
Yeah, we’re goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today.
Doop-n-doo-wah, doop-n-doo-wah.
We’ll take a walk to Do-Right’s Deli.
Eat string cheese and play with Grampa’s belly.
Yeah, we’re goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today.
verse two:
Goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today.
Doop-n-doo-wah, doop-n-doo-wah.
Yeah, we’re goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today.
Doop-n-doo-wah, doop-n-doo-wah.
(Norwegian brogue) Gramma loves to fix us dinner
And give us rides on the vacuum cleaner.
Yeah, we’re goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today.
Gramps will do his juggling tricks.
Gram will fix our hair.
We’ll make kites out of paper and sticks
And make them dance through the air.
Goin’ to Gramma and Grampa’s house today…

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Dream-About-Dreams.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Once, I had a dream about dreams.
I flew into my extremes,
Chasing a song through the night.
verse two:
I laughed just like when I was a kid.
I found the truth where it hid,
And when I did,
I knew that I was the light.
Then I heard a voice telling me
That the world was mine to see
When I closed my eyes.
I was perfectly safe with myself,
No disguise,
And the future was a bed of beams
In my dream about dreams.
Once, I had a dream about dreams.
Once, I had a dream about dreams.
Dream about, dream about dreams.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/First-You-Make-A-Note.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
First you make a note, then you bake a cherry pie.
See if it’ll float as you sit and wave good-bye.
First you climb a hill, then you rhyme your life away.
Oh, your time will come someday.
First you make a note, then you wake the others up.
Clap as each one comes uncurled.
Maybe what you wrote will be the antidote to save the world.
verse two:
First you make a note, then you shake it up and down.
Put it in your throat, then begin to dance around.
Thirsty for a thrill, leave the floor and touch a star.
Aim for more than what you are.
First you make a note, then you take a paper cup.
Hold it like you’ve won first prize.
Pet the billy goat who eats your fancy coat before your eyes.
First you make a note, then sashay into a trance.
Let your marbles dote on how they will take the chance.
Steer the music boat through outrageous circumstance
And keep on smiling.
Put your toys away, and be sure to hide the shelf.
Let your shadow play until you’re beside yourself.
If your friends should say, “How can this be?”
Let ’em see the latest quote: “First you make a note”.
(repeat verse one)
(repeat bridge)
First you make a note.
First you make a note.
First you make a note.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/I’m-Just-A-Kid-Like-You.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
The other kids said they didn’t like me.
Called me a creep and threatened to strike me.
They pointed fingers—they laughed and jeered.
Claimed I was ugly and terminally weird.
I said
Hey, hey, you-hoo,
I’m just a kid—
I’m just a kid like you.
Hey, hey, you-hoo,
Why do you say what you say,
Do what you do?
Why can’t you see
I’m just a kid like you?
verse two:
I stood my ground and stated quite clearly
“I’m no outsider—no, not even nearly.
I am your neighbor on the family tree.
Look in the mirror—you’re just a kid like me!”
(repeat chorus)
Why don’t you tap on your head
And wake ’em up
Just in case your brains are playin’ dead?
verse three:
They said, “If you’re so smart, why’re you shakin’?”
I said, “Because I’m a man in the makin’,
And I get scared sometimes in a jam,
But I remember to stick with what I am!”
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Daring-Dewey.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
No, you may not eat my kitty.
No, you may not chew on her bones.
I am not tryin’ to be impolitely witty.
You may tickle her feet,
But you may not eat my kitty.
verse two:
No, you may not eat my kitty.
No, you may not swallow her moans.
Please pay attention to my lips and learn this ditty.
You may give her a treat,
But you may not eat my kitty.
bridge one:
I know you’re hungry—you crave a little snack.
Could be those “eight essential vitamins” you lack.
But don’t come around here with your mouth on the attack.
I can’t leave for fear of what won’t be here
When I get back.
bridge two:
My hamster got loose and wee-wee’d on the bed.
“I’m gonna kill it!” That is what my mother said.
She dropped her waffle, and her face got awful red.
If her words are true, may I interest you
In a hamster instead?
verse three:
No, you may not eat my kitty.
So, save your breath and your whiny little tones.
I am a brick wall, and my room is Tough Luck City.
My reply is complete.
No, you may not,
Repeat, may not,
Repeat, may not eat my kitty!

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Earth-Is-Our-Home.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
We live on a beautiful planet
Circling the sun between Venus and Mars.
Our world is a delicate balance.
It needs our protection as dreamers need stars.
Earth is our home—mountains and valleys,
Prairies and deserts, oceans and skies.
Earth is our home—we are its children,
Free here to roam.
Earth is our home.
verse two:
We build many things for convenience:
Houses and cars and industrial plants.
We need to respect the environment.
If we work with nature, our dreams have a chance.
(repeat chorus)
Home, where the butterflies flutter,
The tadpoles discover their legs.
(Where did these come from? I don’t know!)
Home, where the sunlight unveils
Little puppy dogs chasing their tails.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/Body-Groove.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Callin’ all kids in the worldwide neighborhood:
Here’s a new song dedicated to feelin’ good.
It’s a combination of pop and jive
With some rock ‘n roll to make it come alive.
Take a breath, make your move,
Get on down the Body Groove.
Take a chance—you’ll improve
When you dance the Body Groove.
verse two:
Everyone’s life has a rhythm to celebrate.
Follow your heart down the pathway you create.
It’s an exploration that takes you far,
And the best part is, you stretch out what you are.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/A-Thousand-Little-Stickers-In-His-Underwear.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
That boy’s been teasin’ me for the longest time.
The things he does to wreck my life should be a crime.
Like sneakin’ up and puttin’ insects in my hair.
Someday he’s gonna get a thousand little stickers in his underwear.
verse two:
I’ve been collectin’ little stickers in the yard.
I have five hundred—gettin’ a thousand won’t be hard.
Nobody knows about this secret I prepare:
Someday he’s gonna get a thousand little stickers in his underwear.
I love my brother, but he doesn’t play fair.
I inspected his brain and discovered too much meanness there.
I think I’ve finally found a way to show how much I care.
It’ll be a blessin’ when he learns his lesson
From a thousand little stickers in his underwear.
verse three:
It’s Saturday mornin’—my sweet dream is close at hand.
I have my kazoo—Ill be leader of the band.
Now he is dancin’ down the hallway half-bare.
I guess somebody put a thousand little stickers in his underwear.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Daring-Dewey/We-Have-A-Song.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1990 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Buenos dias, mi amigo.
Me da gusto estar contigo.
Paint a pair of wings across the sky.
As our spirit sings, so our dreams will fly.
Isn’t it amazing just to be you and me?
We have a song we can call our own.
We ride the wind through the vast unknown.
Deep in our hearts, we hope somehow
You’ll hear it now.
We have a song, and it’s just begun.
We share the love that will shine just like the sun,
And everyone will sing along.
We have a song.
verse two:
Buenos dias, mi amigo.
There’s a rainbow wherever we go.
Heaven must have planned for us to meet.
You reached out your hand, and your touch was sweet.
When I saw your eyes, my outlook smiled,
Precious child.
(repeat chorus)
It’s hard to live when you’re filled with fear.
We’re doing all we can to make it disappear.
‘Stead of a fight, we might work it through
If we stop and check out other points of view.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Whos-Good.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Somebody’s good, somebody’s good.
Who’s good?
Somebody’s good, somebody’s good.
Who’s good?
Somebody smiles, and the sun shines bright!
Somebody hugs, and they squeeze real tight!
Somebody’s good, somebody’s good.
Who’s good?
verse two:
Somebody’s good…
Somebody tries very hard in school!
Somebody follows the Golden Rule!
verse three:
Somebody’s good…
Somebody’s heart has a magic touch!
Somebody’s the one that I like so much!
(repeat verse three)
Somebody’s good, somebody’s good.
Who’s good?

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Coochie-And-Doc-Rock.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
I was sittin’ on the floor when I heard a
Knock, knock, knock.
There was someone at the door, so I started to
Walk, walk, walk.
“Hello, who is it?”
It was the kids from down the block.
They said, “May we please visit with Coochie and Doc?”
The little hand is a cat named Coochie.
The big hand is a dog named Doc.
And they spin all around and around and around
And around on the face of the clock.
Yeah, they spin all around and around and around
‘Cause they’re doin’ the Coochie and Doc Rock!
verse one:
Coochie says all the hours belong to her.
Doc says all the minutes are his.
They go a-tickety-tock all around that silly clock.
Oh, yeah, that’s just the way it is!
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
There are sixty minutes in an hour
And twenty-four hours in a day.
There’s a sun and a moon and some words and a tune,
And telling time is just a game we play!
(repeat chorus)
Sometimes when they get all wound up,
They count the minutes one by one.
Then they start to giggle.
They laugh until they wiggle.
Oh, that Doc and Coochie have a lot of fun!
Oh, that Doc and Coochie have a lot of fun!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Bluesy.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Bluesy is my imaginary friend.
Bluesy is my imaginary friend.
We don’t need toys.
We don’t need money.
We don’t need umbrellas—
Our smiles are so sunny.
Bluesy is my imaginary friend.
verse two:
Bluesy always has some time to spend.
You see, my Bluesy knows it’s okay to pretend.
When I feel sad,
When the world starts to bug me,
I know I have my Bluesy to hug me.
Bluesy always has some time to spend.
Bluesy is very imaginary.
I create what Bluesy says and does.
Bluesy hears what I hear,
Sees what I see,
Beats with my heart—
Bluesy is a part of me.
verse three:
Bluesy is my imaginary friend.
Bluesy is my imaginary friend.
We jump so high,
Then we fall down laughin’.
I can’t believe
What a good time we’re havin’.
Bluesy is my imaginary friend.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Gorilla-Feet.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
He’s comin’ through the jungle
With a jumpin’ jungle beat,
And everybody knows
About those gorilla feet!
I’m hidin’ in the bushes—
I’m kinda sweatin’ in the heat,
And all I can hear
Is those gorilla feet.
He’s got gorilla feet,
And when you hear them, you’d better run!
He’s got gorilla feet,
And here they come!
verse two:
I don’t know much about gorillas—
I come from Indiana,
And all I’m tryin’ to do
Is not look like a banana.
Oh, everybody tells me
Gorillas don’t like meat,
But who can say for sure
Just what a gorilla might eat?
Not me!
(repeat chorus)
verse three:
Suddenly I see ’em!
Oh, they’re so scary!
I look up his legs, his chest, his mouth.
He says, “Hi, my name’s Harry!”
Now he’s blowin’ through some bamboo
A tune that’s wild and so sweet.
There’s a tinglin’ in my toes,
And it’s movin’ through my feet!
Now I’m holdin’ hands with Harry!
Aah, the spell is complete!
Now we’re dancin’ through the jungle!
I’ve got gorilla feet!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Aw-Yuckers.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Aw, Yuckers!
Guess I don’t get to play today.
Aw, Yuckers!
Guess the blues have their way today.
I woke up with a pain in my tummy.
I don’t like to complain, but I feel crummy.
Mama says it’s okay to say,
“Aw, Yuckers!”
verse two:
Aw, Yuckers!
Have to clean up my room right now.
Aw, Yuckers!
Hit my head on the broom—Ow!
I fell down with my tush in the cat box.
I felt something go “smoosh”.
It smells in that box.
It’s a wonderful day to say,
“Aw, Yuckers!”
Not every dream turns out like it should.
Not every reason rhymes.
I gotta take the bad with the good,
But it makes me mad sometimes!
verse three:
Aw, Yuckers!
I do not want to try this food.
Aw, Yuckers!
Why does Dad have to buy this food?
If it touches my tongue, I’m gonna throw up.
Don’t you think I’m kinda young to have to grow up?
When I don’t get my way, I say,
“Aw, Yuckers!”

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Babies-And-Bunnies.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Babies and bunnies are soft, and they’re sweet.
Babies and bunnies have cute little feet.
They like to cuddle until the day ends.
Babies and bunnies make wonderful friends.
verse two:
Babies and bunnies have wiggly noses.
Maybe it helps them to find pretty roses.
They have two ears and two eyes just like me.
Babies and bunnies are something to see.
They like to play peek-a-boo on the floor.
They like to say, “coochie coo,” and much more.
When we get sleepy, don’t laugh if we snore.
Babies and bunnies are friends I adore.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Shake.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Shake your arm.
C’mon and shake your arm.
Shake your arm.
C’mon and shake your arm.
Shake your arm.
C’mon and shake your arm.
Shake your arm with me!
verse two:
Shake your leg. (Please don’t make me beg!)
verse three:
Shake your knee. (Shake off every flea!)
verse four:
Shake your thighs. (I don’t care what size!)
verse five:
Shake your hips. (No, not your lips!)
verse six:
Shake your bellybutton.
verse seven:
Shake your fingers.
verse eight:
Shake your toes. (oh, not your nose!)
verse nine:
Shake your cheeks.
verse ten:
Shake your nose.
verse eleven:
Shake your whole body!

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/Cricket-Song.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
I have a little cricket,
And I love to click it.
It makes such a happy sound.
I dance around and sing.
Cricket, cricket, cricket…

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Fun-A-Rooey/I’m-Just-A-Little-Bitty-Baby.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1987 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’m just a little bitty baby.
I’ve got the little baby clothes.
I’m just a little bitty baby
From my little baby head
To my little baby toes.
I’m just a little baby kid.
verse two:
Oh, I’m just a little bitty baby.
I’ve got the little baby smile.
I’m just a little bitty baby,
But I’m only gonna be a little baby for a while.
I’m just a little baby kid!
I’ve got the cute little baby nose.
I’ve got the cute little baby cheeks.
And I’ve got the cute little baby fingers.
(Only about this big, Mama!)
And I’ve got the cute little baby bellybutton.
And I’ve got the cute little baby elbows.
And I’ve got the cute little baby kneecaps.
(Just weensie little things!)
And I’m just a little baby kid!
verse three:
Oh, I’m just a little bitty baby.
I’ve got the little baby clothes.
I’m just a little bitty baby,
And I know the secret language
That every baby knows,
Like “Ga-Ga!”
And “Goo-Goo!”
And “Da-Da!”
And “Doo-Doo!”
I’m just a little baby.
I’m just a little…
I’m just a little baby kid.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Getting-Bigger.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin and Jimmy Hammer
© 1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP) and Sync Track (ASCAP)
verse one:
I may be small, but, hey, I’m doin’ all right—
Not very tall today, but tomorrow’s in sight.
I’m just a little pinch,
And I keep track of every inch.
It’s practically a cinch
I’ll hit a new height.
I’m getting bigger.
Up and up I climb.
I’m getting bigger.
Near as I can figger,
Ooh, I’m getting bigger all the time.
verse two:
As every day goes by, I learn a new trick.
The grown-ups say, “My, my, the kid catches on quick!”
With my expanding brain,
I am master of my domain.
Life is a candy cane,
And I’m lovin’ each lick!
(repeat chorus)
I’m bustin’ out at the seams as I’m growin’.
I scream and shout with my dreams overflowin’.
verse three
…Ooh, when the beat won’t stop,
When my soul is soarin’ over the top,
I think I’m gonna pop, I’m feelin’ so good!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Teddy-Rockin.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin, Bill Shontz, and John Hoke
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP), Duck! Bill’s Music (ASCAP), Sox On A Rooster Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Somewhere deep in the woods, there’s a teddy bear band
That’s tuned up and ready to play.
All they need are some voices to lend them a hand.
Could it be you have something to say?
When your heart hears the rhythm and rhyme,
You will start to join in a rousing good time.
Teddy rockin’—rockin’ with teddy bears.
Teddy rockin’—rockin’ with teddy bears.
It’s a warm, fuzzy feelin’, and kinda wild, too.
Teddy bears like havin’ fun just like you.
Teddy rockin’—rockin’ with teddy bears.
verse two:
When you jump in the air, all the teddy bears laugh.
It fits in so well with the beat!
Then they call out for more, so you bend down in half
For a dance on your four hands and feet.
In their groove, there is room to explore
Every move you ever imagined, and more!
(repeat chorus)
Big guns awaken, shakin’ up the whole neighborhood.
Over and under, thunder winds its way through the wood.
Teddy Rockin’ feels good!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Julio-Plays-In-An-Island-Band.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin and Jimmy Hammer
© 1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP) and Sync Track (ASCAP)
verse one:
Hey, when the sun is in the sky,
Oh, when the palm trees sway,
Go where the tide rolls in and out and in,
Then begin your day…
verse two:
With a little rhythm, man.
Oh, throw your cares away.
Yeah, we can laugh and dance the whole day through
‘Cause my buddy
Julio plays in an island band
Down at the beach in the summer sand.
Everybody thinks that the music’s grand.
Listen to the beat, and you’ll understand
Why Julio plays in an island band all day.
Listen to him play.
verse three:
Oh, he hits the notes just right.
Oh, and the boy can sing!
Yeah, making songs is what he’s born to do.
That’s the reason
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Monday-Again.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
When your diddily-dop is broken, and your biddily-bop is blue,
When your chiggily-chomp is chokin’ on a wiggily womp-a-roo,
When you’re teetering on a tumble through a jumble of things to do,
You know that it’s Monday again.
verse two:
When your fuddily-dud is slippin’ on the cuddily-dud you dropped,
When your hodily-doh is drippin’, and your lodily-loh is sopped,
When you’re losin’ it by the gallon, and the calendar can’t be stopped,
You know that it’s Monday again.
Where did my weekend go?
It’s sad, you know.
I loved it so.
When will it come again?
The outlook’s bleak till later this week.
verse three:
When you’re under the bum-de-doodle, and you’re wonderin’ “What’s the use?”,
When you’re scratchin’ the num-de-noodle, and you’re catchin’ a screw that’s loose,
When your Saturday smile is saggin’, and you’re draggin’ the old caboose,
You know that it’s Monday again.
(repeat bridge)
(repeat verse three: new ending:)
You know that it’s one day that sure isn’t Sunday,
You know that it’s Monday again.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Living-Together.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
On the land and in the water,
Way up high in the air,
Look around and see who’s singin’—
Music’s everywhere.
Everybody needs each other
For our planet to thrive.
All the songs our hearts hold onto
Keep our spirits alive.
We’re living together in one big world,
Right from the day of birth,
Living for all we’re worth.
All kinds of creatures making our message crystal clear:
We’re living together here on Earth.
verse two:
Feel the rhythm of the prairie,
Where the buffalo roam.
Hear the roar of mighty oceans
Gentle whales call home.
Flowers dance with bees a-buzzin’
As the wind fills the trees.
Children laugh and raise their voices
With their own symphonies.
(repeat chorus)
We want to keep it safe.
We want to keep it clean.
We want to grow up strong.
We want to have a peaceful place
Where we belong.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Cellar-Door.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin and John Hoke
© 1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP) and Sox On A Rooster Music (ASCAP)
The cellar door swings open
When children are asleep,
And out come all the creatures
That slither, crawl, and creep.
They march up to your bedroom,
And when they hear you snore,
They say, “Thanks a lot—we’re so glad you forgot
To lock the cellar door!”
verse one:
The ants and beetles play in your nose.
The mice run races under your clothes.
The snakes and spiders tickle your toes.
(repeat chorus)
verse two:
The centipedes tie knots in your hair.
They dangle down and swing through the air.
The moths eat holes in your underwear!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/When-You’ve-Got-Heart.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
All of us have some imperfections.
All of us make mistakes every now and then.
Yeah, I make them, too,
But I know one thing that’s true:
When you’ve got a heart,
You’ve got the most important part.
The greatest things will start
When you’ve got a heart,
When you’ve got a heart.
verse two:
When you are kind to those around you,
When you consider how something feels to them,
You are on your way
To a time things will be okay.
(repeat chorus)
When you’ve got a heart,
You’ve got a smile to bring.
Got a heart,
You can make the mountains ring,
Hear the whole world sing.
It’s a beautiful thing
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Summertimes-Here.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
We’ve put our books away—
Don’t need them now.
We’re on a holiday,
Havin’ a ball, and how!
All of us kids are ridin’ this bus
Because it’s that time of year.
Put on your shorts—sing along with us.
Get ready, ready…
Summertime’s here, summertime’s here.
The sand and the sun—
And the band has the fun in high gear.
Summertime’s here, summertime’s here.
So, cheer—it’s become clear
Summer-sum-summertime’s here.
verse two:
Let’s dance a limbo line,
Ride a canoe.
That luau food smells fine!
I’ll have a bite or two!
Surfin’ and snorklin’, feedin’ the fish—
Such a happy atmosphere.
Everywhere we look, we’re getting’ our wish.
Let’s party, party, party!
(repeat chorus)
Everything we do together
Makes us even better friends.
Hope the sun will shine forever.
Hope the party never ends!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Little-Spot.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I got a little spot,
Oh, I got a little spot on my brand-new shoe.
It’s a dirty little dot, and I don’t know what to do,
What to do, boo-hoo.
(Boo-hoo, haven’t got a clue. Gee, I wonder what I’m gonna do?)
verse two:
I hope a little soap,
Oh, I hope a little soap will remove the spot
‘Cause I feel just like a dope when I see how clean it’s not,
Clean it’s not, boo-hoo.
(Boo-hoo, stubborn little spot. What a sticky little mess I’ve got!)
Now I’m standin’ at the sink, and it’s just not fair—
I’ve been rubbin’ till I think that it’s gone, but it’s still there.
(Still there. Never goes away. This is really goofin’ up my day.)
So I use the other hand ’cause the first one’s sore.
Though my effort may be grand, the result is as before:
(Same spot, dirty as before, and I don’t feel like rubbin’ anymore.)
verse three:
I got a little spot,
Oh, I got a little spot on my brand-new shoe.
It’s been buggin’ me a lot; now I know just what to do.
I thought it through—yes, I did.
(Thought it through. Yes, I did. No stupid spot is gonna beat this kid!)
bridge two:
Now I hold the dirty shoe and its spot-free mate
And the marker that will do what will make them both look great.
(Firm grip, permanent ink. With this marker I will win, I think!)
With a dotty-dot-dot and a curved line twice,
Both the shoe with the spot and the clean one look so nice.
(Oh, yeah, walkin’ in style. Now each shoe has a brand-new smile.)
(I’ll start a fashion trend. Every kid’ll wanna be my friend.)
(Oh, how silly I was! Now I’m happy, and it’s all because)
I got a little spot,
I got a little spot,
I got a little spot,
I got a little spot on my brand-new shoe.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Smelly-Jellies.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin and Elli Baer
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP) and Oishee Music (BMI)
verse one:
My thumbkin smells like daffodils,
My pointer like grape juice,
My middleman like berry jam,
My ringman chocolate mousse.
My pinky has been pokin’
In a pie and smells so sweet,
But it’s quite a different story
With what’s growin’ on my feet.
I’ve got smelly jellies—stinky little toes.
My smelly jellies make you wanna hold your nose.
Smelly jellies—piggies packed in goo.
When you’ve got smelly jellies,
Everybody says, “P.U.!”
verse two:
I walked and skipped and climbed all day.
I jumped and ran a race,
And when I took my tennies off,
My mommy made a face.
She said, “Oh, my honey baby,
Those toesies need a bath!”
I said, “They’re smelly jellies!”
And we both began to laugh!
(repeat chorus)
Smelly jellies curl up
As stinky as can be.
They don’t seem to notice
How bad they smell to you and me.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Danger-Below.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
The squirrels sure look happy.
They have so much to do.
I think I hear them singing.
Can you?
verse one:
Here we go to and fro,
Gathering our nuts.
Glad are we not to be
Too much of a klutz.
But, then, sometimes
One or two may fall.
That’s when, with rhymes,
You will hear us call…
Danger below!
Danger’s what we said.
It’s hard to stop the nuts we drop
From boppin’ you on the head.
Danger below!
Please don’t think us rude.
All we can say is “bombs away!”
We’re nuts about our food.
verse two:
It’s no joke—in the oak,
Acorns hang around.
You will hear squirrels cheer
When a nut is found.
We clutch each one
With a mighty grip.
It’s such great fun
When we feel it slip!
(repeat chorus)
Someone fumbles, acorn tumbles where you sit.
Don’t despair—don’t stare in the air.
Relax—get used to it!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Upon-My-Violin.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Close your eyes—snuggle in.
I will play my violin.
Soon your flight will begin.
We will make the dream world spin
With a lullaby upon my violin.
verse two:
Float away on the strings.
Let the music lift your wings.
Feel the sun on your skin
Many miles from where you’ve been
As you gently fly upon my violin.
You are safe.
I am here.
Little shadow dancers slowly creep
As you fall fast asleep.
verse three:
You’re my life. You’re my song.
We are right where we belong.
Tender voice deep within,
Touch the heart I hope to win.
Now you softly sigh upon my violin.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Grampas-Hat.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
© 1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
It spins,
It floats so softly,
As he throws it high in the air.
He stands beneath it and calls out,
“Oh, my, my head feels so bare!”
Then it drops down where he has no hair.
Grampa’s hat has a feather on the brim.
It tickles us, but it never tickles him.
The top looks like somewhere somebody sat.
He wears it just so.
We love the man down below Grampa’s hat.
verse two:
We laugh.
We hug and kiss him.
Grampa makes the day so much fun!
He loves us; that is for certain.
And when our day with Grampa’s done,
He tips it to us, one by one.
(repeat chorus)
Maybe someday when I’m much older,
I’ll have grandkids, too.
They will climb up over my shoulder.
We’ll have a chat
Under Grampa’s hat.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/Getting-Bigger/Simple-Act-Of-Kindness.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin, Craig Taubman, and Joanie Bartels
©1997 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP) Sweet Louise Music (BMI), & Joanie Tones Music (BMI)
verse one:
There was a boy I knew in school.
All the kids teased him—said he wasn’t cool.
Then one day a friend stood by his side.
The smile on his face beamed like a badge of pride.
Like a hero who is brave and strong,
In a dark hour, someone will come along,
Lift your heart up—fill your life with song.
Then you’ll know you really belong.
A simple act of kindness can turn the world around.
It can make joy from anger, a smile from a frown.
Change things for the better—what an awesome sound!
A simple act of kindness can turn the world around.
verse two:
Schoolwork was messin’ with my head.
Just couldn’t understand this book I’d read.
And now with the test just hours away,
I had a feeling this was not my day.
Then she walked up—smartest kid I knew.
Saw me frowning—she knew just what to do.
She said, “May I study with you a while?”
I said, “Study? With me?” Then I started to smile…
(repeat chorus)
Each moment’s an opportunity
To see how compassionate our hearts can be.
Won’t you sing it with me?
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/The-Care-Of-The-Earth.mp3″]
The Care of the Earth
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
We recycle. We have fun
Learning to harness the rays of the sun.
It feels good just to say,
“Look what we did for our planet today!”
Hip, hip, hooray!
No job is too big, no action too small,
For the care of the Earth is the task of us all.
It’s everyone’s turn to answer the call,
For the care of the Earth is the task of us all.
verse two:
We plant flowers, watch them bloom.
We turn the lights off when we leave the room.
It’s a game we all play:
Look what we did for our planet today!
Hip, hip, hooray!
(repeat chorus)
We remember plants and creatures live here, too.
We respect them—we protect them
In everything we do.
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/Im-A-Flower.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
I’m a flower—look at me grow.
I’m a flower—look at me grow.
I’m a flower—look at me grow.
I’m a flower.
verse two:
I’m a raindrop—look at me fall.
I’m a raindrop—look at me fall.
I’m a raindrop—look at me fall.
I’m a raindrop.
Grow up, fall down,
Rise up again.
Stretch out, spin around.
Now, hop, hop, hop, hop.
Now slow down and stop.
verse three:
I’m a bright star—look at me shine.
I’m a bright star—look at me shine.
I’m a bright star—look at me shine.
I’m a bright star.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/Insect.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
What has six legs, two eyes, two antennae,
One head, a thorax… Hear me when I say
Hey, maybe wings, maybe not,
An abdomen, no bones…
What have we got?
An insect.
That’s the buzz.
It’s no spider, and it never was.
A flyer or a crawler much smaller than I,
Like an ant, beetle, bumblebee, or butterfly.
verse two:
Well, it walks on my hand, strong and steady,
Flies off when it’s good and ready,
Soars, bores, wiggles, squirts,
Jumps with glee.
It gobbles up dead stuff.
What can it be?
(repeat chorus)
Maybe up in the air, maybe under the ground—
It could be anywhere.
Maybe inside a tree, maybe under the rug.
Look in your bellybutton.
Do you see a bug?
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/Plant-A-Seed.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
I know what I want:
I want to plant a seed.
I have soil and water—
That’s all I need.
I poke a hole with my finger,
Drop the seed in,
Cover it up, pour the water,
And wear a big ol’ grin.
(repeat two times)
That grin is important
When you plant a seed.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/Walk-Gently-On-The-Earth.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
Take your shoes off.
Socks off, too.
We won’t need ’em
For what we’re gonna do…
verse one:
Walk gently on the Earth.
Smell every flower.
See how the little birds fly.
Hear every song the breeze brings along
When we walk gently on the Earth,
You and I.
verse two:
Walk gently on the Earth.
Taste every raindrop.
Touch every tree on our way.
Wonders are there for all hearts to share
When we walk gently on the Earth
Every day.
Feel the ground for a minute.
Let your toes wiggle down in it.
Soft or hard, dry or wet,
When we’re all barefootin’,
We’re as close as we can get.
verse three:
Walk gently on the Earth.
Mountains and valleys,
Prairies and deserts worldwide.
Senses awake with each step we take
When we walk gently on the Earth
Side by side.
Walk gently on the Earth.

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/How-Do-You-Say-Butterfly.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
How do you say “butterfly” in Spanish?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “mariposa”,
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “mariposa” flying in the sky,
You will know that “mariposa”
Is Spanish for “butterfly”.
verse two:
How do you say “butterfly” in French?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “papillon,”
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “papillon” flying in the sky,
You will know that “papillon”
Is French for “butterfly.”
It’s a game—let’s play it.
What language shall we try?
No matter how we say it,
It’s still a butterfly.
verse three:
How do you say “butterfly” in German?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “schmetterling”,
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “schmetterling” flying in the sky,
You will know that “schmetterling”
Is German for “butterfly”.
verse four:
How do you say “butterfly” in Japanese?
Tell me, how?
If you can say “chocho”,
You’ll be right, right now!
If you see a “chocho” flying in the sky,
You will know that “chocho”
Is Japanese for “butterfly”.
It’s fun to say “butterfly”.
How do you say “butterfly?”

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/Endangered-Species.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
Oh, how I love the animals!
Now some of them are getting hard to find.
It’s true.
And there’s something we must do…
verse one:
Indian Python,
Tibetan Antelope,
Northern Swift Fox,
Now don’t you give up hope!
Monteverde Golden Toad,
Malayan Sun Bear,
California Condor,
When you need us, we’ll be there!
Gotta save the endangered species.
There’s no time to hesitate.
Gotta save the endangered species, yeah.
Before it gets too late.
Oh, before it gets too late.
verse two:
Florida Panther,
Red Wolf and Ocelot,
Giant Panda,
See all the friends you’ve got!
Hyacinth Macaw,
Asiatic Black Bear,
American Box Turtle,
You’ll see how much we care!
(repeat chorus)

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://songwizard.com/mp3/The-Earths-Birthday/Looks-Like-A-Party.mp3″]
words and music by Dave Kinnoin
©1998 Song Wizard Music (ASCAP)
verse one:
Buzzville Forest is in for a thrill.
Something’s shakin’ at the Zwibble Dibble Mill.
The big event is about to begin.
We’re all invited, so let’s jump on in!
Looks like, looks like a party.
We’re celebrating our planet’s birth.
Looks like, looks like a party.
Children everywhere are taking care of the Earth!
verse two:
Lots of singin’ and dancin’ today.
Star-tailed dinosaurs sure know how to play!
Our forest friends and kids one and all
Know how to boogie—how to have a ball!
(repeat chorus)
We have a great big birthday cake.
We have our party hats, too.
We have a lot of wishes to make,
And we’ll do what it takes to make them all come true!
(repeat chorus)